Scammers will advertise fake jobs or pose as recruitment agencies to obtain your personal and/or financial information.
Employment fraud happens when a fraudster claims to be a recruitment agent, hiring you for a job that does not exist. Unfortunately, these job scams and phishing in the recruitment sector is increasing, and we are aware that scammers are unlawfully using the The Morning Hours name and logo in an attempt to obtain individuals data.
Whilst job scams are becoming increasingly sophisticated, the best way to help prevent yourself from becoming a victim of a job scam is to educate yourself on things to look out for during your job search.
We have set out our top tips to help you spot a potential job scam.
Remember if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
If you are unsure if a The Morning Hours advertisement or communication is legitimate and/or you have been requested to attend an in person meeting, please contact your local The Morning Hours branch.